
Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Shame is a Muslim cultural identity

Of 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, he said: Messenger of Allah SAW said, "Shame you to God in truth is ashamed". We said, "O Prophet of Allah, we really embarrassed, Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah)". Rasulullah SAW said, "No, but ashamed to God in truth it is really ashamed of you keep your head and what is in it, you keep the stomach with everything in it, and you shall remember the death and destruction. Whoever wants to leave the luxuries of the world hereafter, the person who did so, he has been embarrassed by the truth that God really embarrassed. " [Tirmidhi juz 4, p. 53, no. 2575]
Humans are creatures of Allah the most perfect. Perfection is evident from dianugerahkannya sense, so people should be able to sort out between the right and vanity. Unlike the creatures of plants and animals, where the desire to dominate without reason.
Malu is a noble trait. Property that has been passed by the Prophet. Islam encourage his people to be ashamed of anymore to decorate her life. Ornament is good for the owners and the entrance to heaven.
The shame of it is a very powerful brake to control our behavior. Were it not for shame on us, of what is implied in the above hadith will actually happen. We will do whatever it wants without restraint. If it's like that, then a variety of fraud and irregularities would be carried out without the guilt.
Even possible, the various aberrations are packed in a pious and religious display. Without any shame, what is not worthy of being worthy, and what is forbidden and considered to be good. Guidance of a spectacle, and spectacle to the contrary guidance.
Important to understand that the shame here in the context of what is hated by Allah SWT is not the right things. So that in the struggle for truth and honesty must dikedepankanlah courage. Should be a shame not to demand what is due. But, he should be ashamed if you take anything that is not right, even though no one human being who knows his actions.
What a wonderful Had the Muslims memilika shame the strong, so that it becomes the guiding sense of shame towards the noble behavior. Every time a bad whispers seductively, then shall we say, "Really I am ashamed to God to do that sort of thing."
It is time for a culture of shame that should always be kept and maintained, either by individuals, groups, especially the nation. We did not realize how the cessation of catastrophe, disaster, which hit the nation is probably one of them caused by the loss of a sense of shame.
A student who knows the joy of seeking knowledge will never be shy in asking. Why be afraid and ashamed to pursue science that is being studied? Instead he will be ashamed when there are whispers to cheat or to cheat as well.
A Muslim will feel ashamed when I saw a tv show that tersuguh spectacle in the form of gossip and slander. Event maksiyat indulgence and iniquity is definitely off to a still mempuyai shame.
An official with the power to feel ashamed if misappropriate related profession. His post is a trust that must be carried. He became the official was not due to his prowess, but trust her constituents.
A woman was embarrassed mempertononkan nakedness in people who do not have rights over it. He thinks that this is a gift of Allah to be maintained by the rules outlined.
A businessman was embarrassed when delayed reward our employees. Business success is thanks to the hard work of its employees. He means nothing without the help of employees.
A ruler was embarrassed if it does not provide the best service to the people. Its power is limited by space and time. However, the eternal power of Allah SWT. His fear to God encouraged him to do justice and wise. All will be asked in the hereafter no matter how small the remaining chapters.
Is there still a sense of shame in our hearts? If we are not ashamed to make a small maksiyat then be prepared and will be caught in kemungkaran maksiyat greater.
One more thing, if shame is only based on the view of humans, then it will give birth to human beings who are being hypocritical. In front of many people, he will be kind, polite, friendly, and so forth. So do not look a lot man, he will cheat, corruption, misery of others, as well as other violent crimes.
Shame is the identity for every Muslim.
عن زيد بن طلحة بن ركانة يرفعه الى النبي ص قال: قال رسول الله ص: لكل دين خلق. و خلق الاسلام الحياء. مالك فى الموطأ
From Talha bin Zaid bin Rukanah, he said of the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet SAW said, "For every religion there akhlaqnya, and the morality of Islam is a shame". [HR Malik, in the Muwatta ': 905]
That is, a sense of shame that should never be part and parcel of every Muslim.
Once lost his embarrassment, then lost her personality as well as a Muslim. He'll get used to sin, both overt and hidden. Hence, it is natural that the Prophet Muhammad's wrath against those who have no shame.
عن ابى مسعود قال: قال النبي ص: ان ​​مما ادرك الناس من كلام النبوة الاولى اذا لم تستح فاصنع ما شئت. البخارى
From Abu Mas'ud, he said: The Prophet SAW said, "Verily, between what is found to be those of the first words of the prophet is this: If you are not ashamed, then the Act as you will". [HR. Bukhari chapters 7, p. 100]
Yes! Please do as you please without shame so that God's wrath. And be prepared to live a life of cramped in the hereafter and the world. Let us watch and Budayakan properties kemungkaran SHY when it will do and always fighting for DARE in truth.

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